The FTD LT cluster, coordinated by the public institution "Alytus Business Advisory Center", has officially become an associate member of the European Automotive Cluster Network (EACN). This decision was approved by the EACN Executive Board.
On 6 June, Algimanta Ščiglinskienė, coordinator of the FTD LT cluster, director of the public institution "Alytus Business Advisory Center", officially announced that the FTD LT cluster is joining the European Automotive Cluster Network EACN, becoming an associate member of the network.
"We are happy to announce that the FTD LT Cluster has officially become an associate member of the European Automotive Cluster Network (EACN). This decision has been approved by the EACN Executive Board. Becoming an associate member allows the FTD LT cluster to participate in all EACN activities, except for voting at the General Assembly." - announced Algimanta Ščiglinskienė, coordinator of the FTD LT Cluster.
About EACN
The European Automotive Cluster Network (EACN) is the main cluster network, bringing together more than 3,000 companies in the automotive, transport and mobility sectors. Founded in 2017 as an initiative of eight clusters, the EACN currently brings together 24 clusters from 11 European countries. The network's members cover the entire value chain, including both research and development institutions and government and other bodies. All major European automotive plants are members of at least one of the EACN clusters.
The network is governed by an Executive Board, made up of the heads of the six clusters. The current Chairman of the Executive Board is Bruno Grandjean, CEO of Pôle Véhicule du Futur (France). At the annual General Assembly, the clusters take key decisions on the direction of the network.
The EACN also organises five working groups focusing on different areas:
- Industry 4.0/Industrial modernisation,
- Supply Chain,
- Mobility,
- Skills & Competences,
- Clean, connected, and autonomous vehicles (CCAV).

Cluster members consortium project - "EXPO FTD LT"
The newly formed group of cluster members (AB Astra LT, UAB Aumega, UAB Aksonas, UAB Nordic Stainless Steel Tanks LT, MB Išmanūs inžineriniai sprendimai, UAB Termosnaigė ir ko) has started an ambitious project "Development of export markets and strengthening of the internationality of the FTD LT cluster - EXPO FTD LT". The project is designed to strengthen the horizontal and vertical integration of digitalisation in the food sector, with a clear focus on promoting the production and export of high added value digital products for the food industry. The project aims to provide a basis for increasing the international competitiveness of the cluster members and for the development of technological digitisation in food production. Based on a vision of international expansion and market diversification, the cluster is ready to draw on the resources and expertise of its members to achieve a unique success in the international market.
FTD LT's renewed award of the BRONZE label of excellence in cluster management underlines the cluster's strong commitment to innovation, cooperation and international competitiveness. With the launch of its latest activity related to the "EXPO FTD LT" project, the cluster is ready for a new phase of transformational growth and impact in the field of digital food technologies.

The project "Development of export markets and strengthening of internationalization of the FTD LT cluster" is implemented under the Progress Facility of the European Union Funds for the period 2021-2027, Development Programme 2022-2030.