„Food Technologies Digitalization LT“ cluster looking for:
- Principles of digitization of food industry technologies „Industry 4.0“.
- International markets and networks.
- New solutions for the safe road transport of liquid food while maintaining strict thermal regimes.
- Collaborative R&D projects.
- Cooperation in EU projects.
Cluster awards
Based on improvements in the management and performance of the FTD LT cluster, The European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis has awarded the Cluster Management Excellence BRONZE label to the FTD LT cluster from 2022.

To become a member of the FTD LT Cluster, please fill in the following membership agreement-declaration form
and send the filled form to the cluster coordinator by email: algimanta@ftd.lt
„Food Technologies Digitalization LT“ /FTD LT/“ veiklos kryptys:
- R&D activities - research and experimental development, creating and applying innovations in the sector. DESIGN / ENGINEERING. DESIGN / ENGINEERING.
- FTD LT infrastructure development, preparation and participation in international EU programs.
- Commerce - development of production, increasing sales, expanding export markets.
- Development of measures for the recognition of FTD LT members in the international space.
- Implementation of international quality standards (certification).
- Preparation of measures for professional development and competence improvement of specialists of FTD LT cluster members.
Cluster objectives:
- Increase the integration of digital technologies in the field of food engineering.
- Increase the production and export of digital technology products for the food industry.
- To create preconditions for the development of human resources of the cluster members in the field of food engineering industry (digitization).
Services provided to members of cluster FTD LT:
- Informing of new opportunities: market search, partner search, ongoing events in Europe, etc. (e-mail and ftd.lt).
- Consulting services regarding the attraction of financial instruments for the development of markets and technologies (Inostart, Inoconnect, VUI, etc.).
- Expert services in the fields of innovation and technology;
- Cooperation projects in the field of engineering, technological and commercial enterprise development.
- Specialized training and professional skill development.
- Organization of cluster participation in exhibitions, missions, business contact events.
- Development of marketing tools by engaging in international networks (leaflets, video advertising, online newsletters).
- Preparation of R&D and SF projects.
- Organization of events and meetings for members.
- Lobbying - development of cooperation between national and international organizations.
FTD LT Cluster Strategy - Strategic Guidelines for Development
We invite you to get to know the FTD LT Cluster's strategy and development guidelines, learn more about our initiatives and cooperation opportunities:

Sustainable development goals
Sustainable economic growth is one of the key objectives of the European Union (EU). Due to the global shortage of natural resources, the main challenge for producers and consumers has been to get more at lower cost. To meet this challenge in the face of rapid climate change and growing demand for energy and resources, the EU has put in place a wide range of policies and initiatives to ensure sustainable consumption and production. They should help to improve the overall environmental performance of products throughout their whole life cycle, stimulate demand for higher quality products and production technologies and help consumers to make informed product choices. Under the European Green Course, and in particular the new Circular Economy Action Plan, a legislative initiative on sustainable product policy has been launched to ensure that products are adapted to climate-neutral, resource-efficient and circular economy needs.
The Food Technologies Digitalization LT cluster and its members are developing a sustainable production business. For us, it is a synergy of responsible approach and action, where the latest technologies, the best industrial knowledge and skills help to implement the principles of sustainable business in everyday activities. Through its activities, the cluster contributes to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which are in line with the business vision and values of Food Technologies Digitalization LT.
Sustainable development goals
Sustainable economic growth is one of the key objectives of the European Union (EU). Due to the global shortage of natural resources, the main challenge for producers and consumers has been to get more at lower cost. To meet this challenge in the face of rapid climate change and growing demand for energy and resources, the EU has put in place a wide range of policies and initiatives to ensure sustainable consumption and production. They should help to improve the overall environmental performance of products throughout their whole life cycle, stimulate demand for higher quality products and production technologies and help consumers to make informed product choices. Under the European Green Course, and in particular the new Circular Economy Action Plan, a legislative initiative on sustainable product policy has been launched to ensure that products are adapted to climate-neutral, resource-efficient and circular economy needs.
The Food Technologies Digitalization LT cluster and its members are developing a sustainable production business. For us, it is a synergy of responsible approach and action, where the latest technologies, the best industrial knowledge and skills help to implement the principles of sustainable business in everyday activities. Through its activities, the cluster contributes to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which are in line with the business vision and values of Food Technologies Digitalization LT.

Get in touch!

- Cluster coordinator - Algimanta Ščiglinskienė
- algimanta@ftd.lt
- +370 652 81500

- Chairman of the Cluster Board - PhD. Vaidas Liesionis
- vaidas@ftd.lt
- +370 687 56780

- Cluster communication specialist - Rokas Masionis
- info@ftd.lt
- +370 682 50121